The Crisis of Deficit Model education

The Purple Pen aims to transform the crisis of Deficit Model education into the three solutions of Asset-driven Learning.

Deficit-model Education Asset-driven Learning
Goal The goal is mastery of learning. mastery of learning.
Design Design of learning focuses on what's Broken. what's Working.
Instruction The educator emphasizes Weakness emphasizes Possibility
by focusing on Standardized Test Scores. the Learner's Assets:
Cognitive, Social, and Emotional.
The approach to learning is less like Real World learning: Multiple Choice. more like Real World learning: Inquiry-based; Critical and Creative Thinking; Project-, Problem-, and Portfolio-based.
Control of the learning process is Externally Driven Internally Driven
because the learner relies on external "Assets." developed and emerging Internal Assets:
Cognitive, Social, and Emotional.
Evaluation Learning is evaluated by Standardized Tests. Multiple Formative and Summative Measures, including Performance Tasks and Standardized Tests.
Society Society values external reforms internal transformation
that highlight Past Failures. highlights Continuing Successes.
The challenge of this approach: "During the 30+ year Deficit Model approach, what evidence suggests that it is working?" Local Design Control, Scalability, Alignment to Standards
eLearning Educational companies love this Model because Standardized Test Data make Dashboard Metrics Easy, i.e., “Learning” data. The Purple Pen aims to Transform This Space.
Consequences In the learner, this approach creates a Social Dependency Sustainable Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Skills
because the learner develops a Dependency on External "Assets." as an Independent Asset.
Socioeconomic Consequence: replicates Social Structure provides Transcendent Skills within Social Structure

The Educational Solution

The Purple Pen believes that placing the student as the central asset in our educational solution creates positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

The Educational Solution

For Education, Education-as-a-Service (EaaS)

The Corporate Learning Solution

The Purple Pen believes that placing the employee learner as the central asset in our corporate learning solution creates positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

The Corporate Learning Solution

For Corporate Learning, Education-as-a-Service (EaaS)

The Personal Development Solution

The Purple Pen believes that placing the Independent Learner as the central asset in our personal development solution creates positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

The Personal Development Solution

For Personal Development, Education-as-a-Service (EaaS)